Hello again and welcome [back] to my blog, Unrepeatable Blessings! I am VERY excited to be re-launching this blog and I am so glad you found me here!
Danielle Dyann Abril
As I mentioned in my post last time, my tagline for this blog, “This moment is an unrepeatable blessing fashioned by God just for you; remember to treasure it!” came to me like a gift from God. There are several aspects of this line which speak to me very deeply. I would like to break this saying down so that you, my dear reader (and myself), will understand and remember the underpinnings and philosophy of my life and my writing.
- Each and every moment of our lives is UNREPEATABLE. We are given only this time and place to experience THIS MOMENT. If we are so busy wishing for the next moment or dreading completing our current task, we miss something that is never to return; it’s gone forever. Enjoying this moment and learning what it has to offer is literally a limited time offer, so act now!
- Not only is this moment unrepeatable, it is a BLESSING! Now hold on, how can I realistically say each moment is a blessing? Was the moment when you learn you miscarried your hoped for child really a blessing? Was the moment when you learned your beloved father had cancer really a blessing? Were those hours spent in painful labor really a blessing? When your child misbehaves for the one-thousandth time today, is that moment really a blessing? The answer quite simply and enthusiastically is yes, yes, yes, and yes! I have experienced all of the above moments of blessing and each one taught me an invaluable lesson and in some way drove me closer to God. I will have to share more on those lessons in a later posts. But, I know, that no matter the time, place, or circumstance, each moment I am given by God is a blessing which I do not want to miss!
- These moments are FASHIONED by GOD for ME. Each blessed moment that I live is not mere coincidence or random happening but really and truly given to me by God as a gift. Not a gift given to my best friend or my mother but to ME! The God who molded the universe in all its intricacies (Gen. 1), who cares for even the sparrow (Matt. 6:26), and who knows the number of hairs on my head (Luke 12:7) would certainly not allow something as important as the moments of my life to be left to mere happenstance. That leaves us with one thing; each moment is given to me by God as a carefully selected gift. The Sacred Scriptures tell us that God only gives good gifts, so it follows that every moment that is gifted to us is a GOOD gift one which is packed full of lessons and blessings.
- I must remember to TREASURE these moments. I have always been struck by the line in the Gospel of Luke which states that Mary pondered/treasured all these things in here heart (Luke 2:19). Our Mother Mary was blessed to stand as a first hand witness to the workings of God. But you know what? So are we! Each day of our lives, if we care to open our eyes to see it, we stand in the middle of a moment where God is working. If we hold all these moments in our heart and treasure them we begin to see the beauty and the joy that is all around us.
Ever since its inception, this saying has become so important to me as I aim to live my life joyfully cognizant of God’s blessings. I invite you to hear it again and really let it sink in, This moment is an unrepeatable blessing fashioned by God just for you; remember to treasure it! Is there some way that this tagline speaks to you? If so, I would love to hear from you!
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